With the rapid changes in technology, there are many considerations to be taken into account when procuring a new Voice Communication System (VCS) and associated equipment today for a Tower, Approach or Area Control Centre.
It should be noted that Next generation system requirements for operational features and functionality are identified as a result of requirement captures from operational staff, extended progression on previously published EUROCONTROL procurement guideline documents, the foreseen implementation of Functional Airspace Block operation within Europe by a number of FAB design groups, System interoperability and functionality as defined by EUROCAE WG67 documents as well as Future Planning documents and policy from the NEXTGEN and SESAR programs.
The next generation VCS for example not only has to have capability of handling all Telephone call types, Aeronautical Radio communications and Recorder sessions while connected to a converged multimedia IP network infrastructure through the Next Generation VoIP Telephone/Radio/Recorder interfaces, but it also has to interface with the Operator Positions and the Control and Monitoring System.
The VCS should also have the capability of handling Role Management within or between control centres and this requires that system interoperability using common standardized protocols with other vendor systems located within Functional Airspace Block is possible which leads to a smooth management of dynamic re-allocation of airspace sectors within those blocks.
We offer a service to capture all of your Technical Operational and Engineering requirements for your system and produce draft copies of the Technical Call For Tender documents for your revision and approval prior to it being formally issued as an invitation to tender to industry.
A typical requirement specification may have chapters for the following defined:
Architectural, Radio/Telephone Systems, System Engineering, Voice Quality, Recording, VCS Control and Monitoring System, Test and Development VCS System, Training VCS System, CWP-HMI Operational, Safety, Security, Environmental Conditions, Supplier Support Services, Quality and Qualification
Note: JSP Teleconsultancy is an independent consultancy and is unbiased towards any supplier.