- Definition of EUROCAE WG67 VoIP-in-ATM documents
- Definition of all related EUROCONTROL Conformance and Interoperability test specifications for the VoIP-in-ATM interfaces
- Support to EUROCONTROL VOTE group for all VoIP-in-ATM matters
- Definition of all ETSI VoIP-in-ATM Interoperability events
- Provision of Technical support for all ETSI VoIP-in-ATM events
- Technical Manager to FAA Global VoIP-in-ATM Interoperability event
- Definition of all Specifications, schedules for FAA VoIP-in-ATM event
- Definition of FAA OVR call, RRCE Radio Gateway and FAA Recording and Event logging technical specification forming part of National Voice Switch (NVS) CfT set of documents
- Definition of Conformance and Interoperability Test Specifications for the FAA OVR call, RRCE Radio Gateway and FAA Recording and Event Logging
- Support to DFS during the execution of SESAR 15.2.10 VoIP-in-ATM validation tests
- Support to FABEC VCS Task force in definition of common requirement specifications for the Next generation VCS to be used in FABEC countries
- Definition of technical specifications for a EUROCONTROL Conformance Test tool
- Definition of the EUROCONTROL Test tool CfT documents
- Execution of FAT on EUROCONTROL Test tool
- Assistance to many ANSPs in the requirements capture phase and support to define the CfT for the VCS
- Assistance to Suppliers during VoIP-in-ATM interface development phase
- Assistance to Global ANSPs in CfT evaluation resports
- Private Technical Studies to many ANSPs leading to migration strategy documents
- Update of the Network Implementation and Planning document as guideline recommendations to ANSPs during the network planning and migration phases
- Offer a free service to ANSPs and Suppliers for explanation about any issue in any standard, (including EUROCAE WG67 documents) test specification, guideline documents etc